CLEARANCE The Book About Nothing - HARDCOVER

Reason for Clearance: Out of Print
Reg. Wholesale Pricing: $14.39
CLEARANCE Pricing: $11.51

This book has nothing to do with rainbows, rocket ships, meatballs, or wizards. Instead, it’s full of zip, zilch, diddly-squat, bupkus.

But don’t worry, reading this book isn’t all for nothing, because sometimes nothing is actually something.

Like if you pick up all the toys in your room, what will be on the floor? NOTHING.
When you take a bath, what are you wearing? NOTHING.
And when you shut the lights off to go to bed, what do you see? NOTHING.
Mike Bender and Hugh Murphy stop at nothing to explore the key concepts of nothing and zero using playful language and hilarious illustrations.

Mike Bender / Hugh Murphy
ISBN 9780399551093
Retail Price: $23.99

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